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Comgest Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Comgest Singapore Pte. Ltd. is a licensed Fund Management company (for Institutional and Accredited Investors) founded in 2010. The firm is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

Les autres fonds de Comgest Singapore Pte. Ltd.

(*) VL : valeur liquidative, c'est le dernier cours du fonds

Nom du fonds Catégorie Dernière VL * Var. 1er janvier Var. 1 an Var. 3 ans Var. 5 ans
COMGEST GROWTH PLC COMGEST GROWTH INDIA US Actions Inde 70.61 4.19% 34.24% 32.68% 58.71%
COMGEST GROWTH PLC - COMGEST GROWTH INDIA Actions Inde 37.38 -10.62% -8.61% - -
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