Disney: excellent start for 'The beauty and the beast'.

Actualité publiée le 20/03/17 17:04
( - On Monday the Disney share is benefiting from good figures after the release of the film 'Beauty and the Beast,' which has achieved the second best start in history for film released in March.

According to comScore data, the fantastic musical film notched up 350 million dollars in worldwide box office receipts for its first weekend on show.

The film, starring British actress Emma Watson, largely took the lead at the US box office this weekend, with takings of 170 million dollars in the US and Canada.

Internationally, the film - already released in 45 countries - has notched up some 180 million dollars in revenues, including a record start of 45 million dollars for a Disney film in China.

In comparison, the film cost an estimated at 160 million dollars to make, meaning that it is already profitable.

After these good figures, the Disney share is up 1% at 112.9 dollars, representing one of top four performances on the Dow Jones index on Monday.

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